1st Cypriot PV Workshop

University of Cyprus Nicosia, Cyprus

This 1st Cypriot PV Workshop is a joint force of the “DegradationLab” and “TESTARE” projects aiming to present the latest trends in Research and Development […]

Joint WG3 and WG4 workshop on emerging chalcogenide technologies

Czech Technical University in Prague Technická 2, 160 00, Praha 6-Dejvice, Czech Republic

This workshop is part of the COST RenewPV action networking activities. In this workshop, the recent advancements in chalcogenide perovskites and Sb-based chalcogenides will be […]

14th Kesterite + RenewPV workshop

Università di Verona University of Verona - Silos di Ponente, Verona, Italy

This is the 14th edition of the international workshop on Kesterite based thin film solar cells and on new materials for photovoltaics. This time organised […]

Outreach is for Everyone

University of Luxembourg, Batiment de Science building, Campus Limpertsberg 162a, avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1511, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Have you ever wanted to share your research with the public but did not know how to get started? In this dynamic two day workshop […]