Core Group

Core group members of RENEW-PV
Dr Nicolae Spalatu

Action Chair
Tallinn University of Technology

Dr. Natalia Maticiuc

Action Vice Chair/Grant Awarding Coordinator

Jon Major

Science Communication Coordinator
University of Liverpool

Phillip Dale

Working Group 1 Leader
University of Luxembourg

Prof Keith McKenna

Working Group 2 Leader
University of York

Dr Rokas Kondrotas

Working Group 3 Leader
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology

Professor Alessandro Romeo

Working Group 4 Leader
University of Verona

Professor Susan Schorr

Working Group 5 Leader
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

Professor Marika Edoff

Working Group 6 Leader
Uppsala University

Professor Edgardo Saucedo

Working Group 7 Leader
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya